Patrice and Qiante are simply adorable together and their affection for one another is so warm and heartfelt. Their love has carried them for nearly 10 years, many miles away and back home again. Through thick and thin, they have withstood the test of time and have built a foundation to get through the years ahead. I cannot wait to document their winter wedding this December at Stan Mansion here in Chicago! Cheers!

"I feel most loved by Patrice everyday!!! She makes it her purpose to tell me or show just how much she loves me every single day" ~Qiante

"I’m still in love with Qiante because he’s always doing things that remind me why I love him so much. He always just wants to see me happy and he’s my biggest supporter. He’s always pushing me to stay focused with studying for school and shows me tough love when I know I’m slacking. He really does make me a better person and I’m a lucky girl to have him in my life." ~Patrice

"The first thing I noticed about Qiante was this chocolate skin and white teeth. He has a really nice smile!" ~Patrice

"I realized Patrice was someone special the day she dropped everything and moved to Virginia to be with me. It made me realize just how much she really loved me and wanted this relationship to work." ~Qiante

"One thing about Qiante that I learned early on in our relationship is that when one door closes, he always seems to find another way around it. When things don’t go according to his original plan, instead of giving up, he always finds another way. He is very resilient."~Patrice

"I fell in love with Patrice because she stood by me, even through long distances when most people would’ve just moved on." ~Qiante

"Patrice brings the best out of me, she believes in me, and every moment I’m away from her she’s on mind." ~Qiante

"I knew that we were more than friends the day he to the Navy. I remember the last time I saw him before he left for bootcamp. I cried the ugly cry and I didn’t even care, I just didn’t want him to leave. I remember us standing outside in the cold. He held me in his arms and told me he would call soon. I don’t know why it was so hard for me to say goodbye to him as if he was never coming back! That’s when I knew I had caught some serious feelings for him." ~Patrice

"The one thing that stands out the most about the moment I proposed to Patrice is that SHE SAID YES!!! THAT’S IT AND THAT’S ALL!!!" ~Qiante
Click Here to view the entire gallery of images from their session.
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